IOOS Summit, Nov 2012, meeting report —
Posts by Andy Shepard
BP settlement
BP settles criminal fines–
DWH spill data portal
NOAA portal for access to DWH oil spill data–
Science Policy Publication
Camilli et al. Science magazine Policy Forum ( observe, “Our academic, governmental, and industrial research communities should work together to better align American legal practice with the deliberative process of science.” The authors were required to turn over email records and more to BP related to findings on the Deepwater Horizon blow-out flow rate (paper Read More
RESTORE Act Council
President Executive Order signed September 10, 2012, sets conditions for terminating Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, reiterates Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council duties as established in the RESTORE Act, and adds EPA and USDA as NRDA Trustees– available on-line at
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative RFP-II program
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (RFP-II program) awards 19 research projects $20 million over three years for studies on the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico ecosystems–
GOMRI education
GOMRI’s CIMAGE research consortium ( hosts live shows from sea. Hosted by USF educator, Teresa Greely, a blog and live Skype events during research cruises describe discoveries and life at sea–
President signs Transportation Bill, MAP-21, with RESTORE Act (PL-112-141, subtitle F), which ensures 80% of DWH oil spill settlements and penalties go to Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund (versus all going to national Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund)– available at
Gulf disaster response collaboration
Florida Institute of Oceanography and US Coast Guard 7th District sign MOU to promote engagement of the marine science community in preparing for future coastal disaster response efforts–
IOOS strategy
IOOS strategic plan and requirements for implementing global coastal observing systems at