NRDA Trustees seek comments on open ocean restoration plan

The NRDA Trustees for Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DHOS) support restoration planning areas that include an Open Ocean effort. The Open Ocean Trustee Implementation Group (TIG) hosted open webinars on October 16 and 17, 2018, during which they provided an overview of the Open Ocean Draft Restoration Plan 1 and Environmental Assessment and related restoration Read More

New publication calls for science advocates

A team of scientists and students at the University of South Florida published an article, “Embracing Advocacy in Science” in the journal Fisheries. As stated in the abstract, “a perception remains that scientists cannot be objective and credible while also advocating a position that may inform or impact decision making. We counter this notion and Read More

New tax plan will hurt students

From American Federation of Teachers (AFT), “If the [proposed] Republican tax plan passes, it will not be possible for many graduate students across the country to afford their education. Their [Republican-led] bill will force them to pay hundreds of dollars more in taxes by treating tuition waivers – the tuition that is waived by universities Read More