Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council Releases Proposed Regulation to Implement the Spill Impact Component of the RESTORE Act

Stated in the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council’s press release:  “On Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015, the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (Council) posted for public and Tribal comment and review proposed regulation to implement the Spill Impact Component of the RESTORE Act. The regulation will establish the formula allocating funds made available from the Gulf Read More

NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program Announces First Awards

The NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program has completed its first funding competition and awarded approximately $2.7 million to seven research teams. These teams and their projects were selected following a rigorous and highly competitive process which included a review by a panel of outside experts. The awards range in size from $309,000 to $400,000 and Read More

Texas receives Funding for Centers of Excellence; Gulf Restoration Public Participation Bulletin Board; HRI Releases GecoView

A press release issued on June 30, 2015 announced “…Texas is the first state in the nation to receive money from the RESTORE Trust Fund through a federal award to fund two Centers of Excellence. The two centers, Texas OneGulf at Texas A&M Corpus Christi and the Subsea Systems Institute at the University of Houston, Read More

NRDA Trustees Extended Comment Period for Draft Phase IV Early Restoration Plan; Sea Grant Seminar – Impacts of Oil on Coastal Habitats; Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment Public Review; Introducing Gulf Star

According to the press release issued June 16, 2015, “The Deepwater Horizon oil spill Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustees (Trustees) have extended the public comment period for the Draft Phase IV Early Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessments (Draft). The Draft proposes an additional 10 early restoration projects with an estimated cost of $134 million across Read More

AGCRC Soliciting Proposal for Center of Excellence; FL Center of Excellence’s Grant Proposals Due 5/20/15

The Alabama Gulf Coast Recovery Council released solicitation for proposal for the RESTORE Act Center of Excellence Research Grant Program on May 13. Non-governmental entities and consortia, including public and private institutes of higher learning in the Gulf Coast Region can submit proposals to serve as Alabama’s Center of Excellence. Proposals are due June 30, Read More

Final Version of NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program’s Science Plan Released

From their announcement, “The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released the final version of the science plan for the NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program.  The plan establishes ten long-term research priorities which will guide how the program invests its funds and explains how prior needs assessments for the Gulf of Mexico region and Read More

Data Synthesis Grant Opportunity; Deepwater Horizon Project Tracker Live

The National Academy of Sciences’ Gulf Research Program announced a new funding opportunity in data synthesis. They are looking for “activities that will integrate or synthesize existing data from different sources that may provide additional insights, address important questions, or lead to new approaches to interpreting monitoring data.” The online application will open May 2015. Read More

External Science Reviews of Gulf Restoration Council’s Proposals Available for Viewing

The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council is currently evaluating submissions for potential funding under the Council-Selected Restoration Component. As part of this process, each submission was evaluated with respect to Budget, Science, Environmental Compliance, and consistency with the RESTORE Act and the Council’s Initial Comprehensive Plan. Context reports, including that of the external science review Read More

Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System Letters of Intent due April 17, 2015

Letters of Intent (LoI) are due to the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS) Regional Association (RA) office on April 17, 2015 by 5:00 PM CT. The GCOOS-RA Board of Directors has established a process for selection and preparation of proposals submitted. More information can be found here. The Board of Directors intends Read More