
Water Resources Development Act (S601 and HR3080) in conference; conferees shown at http://www.nado.org/house-joins-senate-in-appointing-conferees-for-water-resources-bill/. Senate Bill S601 (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr3080/text) includes Title XII– National Endowment for the Oceans, not included in original HR3080 passed by House.

Capitol Hill Oceans Week

Capitol Hill Oceans Week agenda (June 4-6, 2013) with videos from sessions and presentations at http://nmsfocean.org/chow-2013-agenda; includes presentation by Dr. Larry McKinney’s, Harte Res. Inst. Director and GOMURC Board member from TX, entitled “Reducing Risks to People and Nature: Updates from the Gulf of Mexico” (http://www.nmsfocean.org/files/McKinney.pdf).