Judge sets date in January 2015 for final phase (setting penalties) for BP oil spill civil trial– http://www.nola.com/business/index.ssf/2014/04/timeline_released_for_final_pe.html.
Posts by Andy Shepard
NOAA budget
Hearing on Thu, April 30, 10am ET, of House Science, Space and Technology Committee, Environment subcommittee, will review NOAA’s FY2015 Budget (site includes link for live video of hearing)– http://science.house.gov/hearing/environment-subcommittee-hearing-overview-national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration
GOMURC annual reports
2013 annual reports posted for: GOMURC — http://www.marine.usf.edu/gomurc/docs/GOMURC-2013-progress-report-021914.pdf; Dauphin Island Sea Lab– http://press.disl.org/PDFs/annualreport/2013AR.pdf; Florida Inst. of Oceanography — http://www.fio.usf.edu/about-us/documents/category/4-annual-reports
National Wildlife Federation report
NWF report, “Four Years Into the Gulf Oil Disaster: Still Waiting for Restoration”– http://www.nwf.org/fouryearslater. Report blog at http://blog.nwf.org/2014/04/four-years-after-the-bp-spill-wildlife-are-still-struggling/
Ocean and coast economy publication
National Ocean Economics Program (NOEP) latest “State of the U.S. Ocean and Coastal Economies 2014” highlights value of the oceans, Great Lakes and coasts of the U.S., availble at http://www.oceaneconomics.org/download/
GOMRI Save the Date for RFP V for small team investigations– http://gulfresearchinitiative.org/request-for-proposals/rfp-v/
House passed H.R. 2431: National Integrated Drought Information System Reauthorization Act of 2013, “a collaborative effort between numerous federal agencies and several state governments to provide a dynamic and accessible drought-risk information system.” House subcommittee news item at http://democrats.science.house.gov/press-release/house-passes-drought-research-legislation. Bill now goes to Senate.
Senate passed S1254 to amend the Harmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia Research and Control Act of 1998; bill now goes to House– https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/s1254?utm_campaign=govtrack_email_update&utm_source=govtrack/email_update&utm_medium=email.
Gulf of Mexico atlas
Gulf of Mexico Data Atlas to be an easy-to-use resource for a wide variety of Gulf of Mexico data; 235 map plates covering more than 70 topics. Explore at: http://gulfatlas.noaa.gov/.
State of Gulf Summit
State of the Gulf Summit, Houston TX, March 24-27, 2014– http://www.sgmsummit.org/