Deepwater Horizon oil spill 3-year progress update led by federal and state panels and Chaired by Senators Nelson and Wicker; June 6 hearing to Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation archived podcast at NOTE– Meeting begins at 40 mins into podcast (move slider at bottom to this start point).
Posts by Andy Shepard
Restoration events
NOAA Gulf DWH oil spill site at includes calendar of events related to NRDA activities
Gulf Coast Restoration Council strategy
Gulf Coast Restoration Council released Initial Comprehensive Plan today required by RESTORE Act section 1603, available at
DWH settlement
NFWF established Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund with funds from BP and Transocean settlement funds– news story at; NFWF fund site at
NRDA projects
Phase III NRDA Early Restoration Program projects approved: LA $340M for barrier island restoration projects and fisheries research centers–; MS $82 million for four projects to “address loss of use by providing residents and visitors with new recreational options, better access to existing natural resources and a greater opportunity to enjoy them”–; AL Read More
RESTORE Act programs to receive funding from DWH Oil Spill settlements and litigation on hold awaiting Department of Treasury regulations including “procedures for depositing amounts in and expending amounts from the Trust Fund including procedures for determining compliance and auditing requirements of programs and activities established under the RESTORE Act.” Office of the Inspector General Read More
DWH settlement
National Academy of Sciences received $500M for Gulf restoration from BP and Transocean plea agreements– new web site describes objectives and preliminary plans at
Ocean strategy
White House press release regarding National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan at
NEPA process
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEM) prepares environmental documents on various actions related to the OCS Program including Environmental Assessments (EA’s) or Environmental Impact Statements (EIS’s)–
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) announced the development of the GoMRI Request for Proposals for 2015-2017 GoMRI Research Consortia–