Storm damage assistance grants

Gulf of Mexico states were severely impacted by hurricanes in 2017. The National Academies of Sciences, Gulf Research Program, is offering Scientific Research Disaster Recovery Grantsto help with repair, replacement, or recovery of equipment, data, and/or other research materials damaged or lost due to the hurricanes and their aftermaths.” There are two funding cycles with first cycle proposals due this month— see the announcement for details of priorities and how to apply.


Copy of Storm damage assistance grants

Gulf of Mexico states were severely impacted by hurricanes in 2017. The National Academies of Sciences, Gulf Research Program, is offering Scientific Research Disaster Recovery Grantsto help with repair, replacement, or recovery of equipment, data, and/or other research materials damaged or lost due to the hurricanes and their aftermaths.” There are two funding cycles with first cycle proposals due this month— see the announcement for details of priorities and how to apply.
