Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science 2018 conference is ready to receive abstracts and session proposals. The conference will be held in New Orleans on February 5-8, 2018.
Abstracts should promote fundamental Gulf ecosystem science or link scientific results to ecosystem resilience, oil spill response, or restoration and management. Abstract submissions will be accepted for topical tracks; mini-sessions and concurrent sessions will be developed based on the abstracts received. Papers not selected for oral presentations will have the opportunity to participate in the poster session.
Students are encouraged to submit abstracts; the Gulf Research Program, Harte Research Institute, and the Gulf of Mexico University Research Collaborative have generously offered to cover registration fees for student presenters whose abstracts are accepted as oral or poster presentations to the conference program.
The deadline to submit an abstract is September 11, 2017. Applicants will be notified of abstract acceptance/rejection by late-October. You do not need to register for the conference to submit an abstract. Each person may submit up to two (2) abstracts as lead author.