NEWS from the Sea Grant Oil Spill Science Outreach Team of the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative:
The Team just released a final, in-depth publication to close out 2017 entitle, Corals and oil spills. Scientists discovered that the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill injured some deep water coral communities, while others in shallow areas appeared unharmed. All of Team science outreach publications can be found here.
Upcoming 2018 oil spill science workshops.
- Responding to oil spills: Offshore and deep sea habitats: January 9, 2018—Available in person and online
Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuges Complex, Lacombe, LA. Free event, last in three-part series, will bring scientists and emergency responders together to discuss offshore and deep sea spill response. Lunch will be provided for attendees registered by January 5.
- Sharing science effectively: Know your audience and speak their language: February 5, 2018—FREE. Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, LA. Gives scientists opportunity to learn techniques for communicating research and results to a variety of audiences, including those with no scientific training. Although held at the same venue as the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference (GoMOSES), attendees do NOT need to register for the larger conference to join.