Helping our Caribbean neighbors after Maria

Hurricane Maria devastated the Caribbean including billions in property damages and more than 80 lost lives. The past weeks have been about rescues and personal recovery, which will continue for years. We also need to focus on the next level of recovery in rebuilding island economies and infrastructure. Related to GOMURC’s mission, the marine science community in the PR/VI has many needs which our Gulf universities have capacity to help. Here are example actions to consider based on input from affected colleagues:

1)      Work with our PR/VI colleagues to assess damages and immediate needs for supplies and equipment. Students and investigators need lab space—open your doors!


2)      Raise funding and resources required to address these needs and get required resources to where they are needed.


3)      Utilize GOMURC member assets to help support PR/VI research to assess environmental damages and promote recovery. All of CARICOOS observing assets in PR/VI remain down.


Please contribute however you can and pass the word.
