Gulf Ecosystem Observing and Monitoring Program:
A lasting legacy from the DeepWater Horizon oil spill and resulting penalties should be a new northern Gulf-wide science-based, monitoring program that incorporates mapping, observing, and research. WHY?
- Restore Act (PL112-141, subtitle F) mandates that civil penalties be used to support long-term, sustained, Gulf-wide ecosystem monitoring program supported by the best available science
- Provide ecosystem science (restoration ecology, conservation biology, and community ecology) required for promoting restoration and sustainability in face of many chronic Gulf ecosystem stressors
- Protect human life, health and property.
- Promote economic opportunities through quantified and managed human uses.
Related editorials by GOMURC Board members at:
- AL- http://press.disl.org/07_12_12oped.htm
- FL- http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/letters/fridays-letters-connect-dots-on-sordid-deals/1240002
- LA- http://www.nola.com/opinions/index.ssf/2012/07/la_leadership_crucial_for_rest.html
- MS- http://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/article/20120721/OPINION/207210306/Mississippi-universities-ready-help-restore-Gulf
- TX- http://www.chron.com/opinion/outlook/article/A-chance-to-reboot-the-Gulf-3779996.php
These GOMURC presentations overview ecosystem monitoring importance for Gulf recovery, and the role of the Gulf Coastal Ocean Observing System’s Build-out Plan as a framework for identifying and funding required capabilities, observations and products: Ecosystem monitoring- why and how? M. Graham, 2016; Ecosystem Monitoring for Gulf of Mexico Recovery, GOMURC, 2016.